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Get to know me!

Mindset shifter, Pop Pilates Instructor and

Founder of  . . . . 

where ladies are becoming empowered to

Rule their Fitness!

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My Qualifications

  • L3 Aromatherapy (with Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology)

  • Certified Pop Pilates Instructor

  • Diploma in Fitness & Nutrition

  • L3 Early Years Educator 

  • Certified Hypnosis-Hypnotherapy Practitioner

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MUM-Motivation for my party- loving daughter

(now a Physical Trainer and Nutritionist)  

Don't worry your inspiration is not a bit like this!

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The workout or the pub?

Me in a Nutshell 

Get yourself a cuppa & read :)

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I love food!

I have enjoyed inspiring many people in my life to take their fitness and health seriously and to do that I believe in being the best example of healthy & fit I can be :)

I have had five awesome children  .  . .I KNOW the  terrible battle of after-baby weight loss . . . .( five times over) and I would love to  share with you the small easy steps you can take to win!

I think outside the box to find new fun ways to do things


I am still on my journey with a passion to share my mindset for fitness because when I discovered how to simply rewire my subconscious brain, being fit and healthy came naturally . . . . . .  it felt such a huge relief!


Fitness is not a destination it's a journey so come join the castle and share in the victories and celebrations in a private little place on the internet where negativity is banished!

Forests, Castles, Magic & Fantasy adventures!

I am inspired and educated by nature & love walking in forests and climbing trees.


There is a reason people love Harry Potter, Game of Thrones & Merlin . . . .they're a magical escape from reality,  and is the reason for One Of A Kind Castle . . . .hidden from the eyes of critical humans it inspires incredible self-belief and awesome changes!

in all who get The Black Keys to unlock the castle gates!

Warning! I am a Positive-Happy-Universe Manifesting-Quantum-Physics kind of person.

 This may not be your cup of tea and that is totally ok. . . but understand it is part of my insane success in being able to rule my fitness, is used by many top athletes to create success in their field and is backed by science!

Castle Spies 

Lurkalot, ( Chief Spy ) is responsible for collecting and updating essential knowledge to help ladies rule their fitness. He also leaks tips and fitness tricks  to all spies who sign up! I never catch him . . . . . .he's too sneaky!

The Mail-of-E is flown out from the castle to drop in inboxes on the 10th, 20th & 30th of each month!


Official Spy status is bestowed on castle ladies who sign up to get valuable treasures  sent to them. . . plus adorable cuteness from The Four Mascoteers at the end of each one and it's  FREE!

SIGN UP below now and don't miss the next one!

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CLICK HERE  to receive castle secrets in the exclusive Mail-of-E

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